Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A little bit of Boston Nature.

A little bit of Boston Nature. 

I find that the small details are always lost in the hustle and bustle of normal life, but in the city these beautiful creatures roam freely, ignored and often disliked. 

On my walks and adventures through the city, I always stop and *chatter* with the little furballs, to the point where friends are calling me the Squirrel Whisperer (and I'm almost proud of this)! 

The "breaking point" was when a new mother (squirrel) became so interested in me that she sat next to me, then a little closer, and finally decided to venture up on my knee to chat and sniff me. Passersbys stopped to take pictures, and one exclaimed, "Wow! You're a Squirrel Whisperer!! That's so cool!". I blushed, and suddenly was totally and completely proud of my title. 

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